Wilderness Mindset

Exploring how the Wilderness can improve our mindset and outlook on life.


Films produced by Wilderness Mindset. As we plunge into the wilderness, mountains, deserts, rivers, and valleys we film ourselves and others, making documentaries with meaning.

Figure It Out: On The Hayduke Trail – An 800-mile hike across some of the harsh desert in the U.S.A. From Moab, UT going through the Grand Canyon and Colorado River and ending in Zion National Park.
Hike Across Da U.P. – Following the North Country Trail in Michigan Upper Penisula Alex goes in all seasons.
A Sense of Direction – Alex’s first project where he puts all of his trust into Mother Nature taking his camera along to see if he has what it takes.
and more…

Get your fill of outdoor adventures while still having meaning and excitement. These films can be watched via DVD or even online streaming. Something for all to enjoy, young and old, adventurist or skeptic. You can watch these from your home without putting yourselves in danger.